Sunday, October 13, 2013


by : Sally Seltmann

Dreams that come and go
This is one that I found forever
I know
Been crossing my fingers and always hoping for it to come true

Waiting for the train
I can see a face in the distance again
Got a little dream that's become a friend and a reality

And I'm running just as fast as I can to tell you the news
We can do this together, we can, yeah me and you
When you hold me I can see
This is exactly where I wanna be
You're the harmony to my heartbeat, baby

Dreams that come and go
But I just kept doing what I loved, even though
All I ever wished for was out of breath, running so slow

I found the lock and the key
Now I can be everything I've wanted to be
Got a little dream that's become a friend for the melody

And I'm running just as fast as I can to tell you the news
We can do this together, we can, yeah me and you
When you hold me I can see
This is exactly where I wanna be
You're the harmony to my heartbeat, baby

Harmony to my heartbeat, baby

When you hold me I can see
This is exactly where I wanna be
You're the harmony to my heartbeat, baby

Harmony to my heartbeat, baby
You're the harmony to my heartbeat baby

When you hold me I can see
This is exactly where I wanna be
You're the harmony to my heartbeat, baby

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

My 14th Birthday

                         Yuuhuuuuuuu!!! \m/ Hi my fellaaaaaaaaaas! How's life? Do  know that ystday was my birthday? Yups! On June 25, it means i'm getting older, nah-,-. I wish Allah always give me the best Wish, in  my age at this14, aaamiin. Oke, ak nggak akan basa-basi, langsng aja, i'll the story.
1st   : on 00.04a.m. One of my friend, that has long-hair, kocak, and kece. a.k.a @vavraayar She was the 1st person that said "Happy Birthday" to me :)
2nd   : two people that had given me a birth, yeah my parents!!! While watching K-Drama, my dad opened my room's door and then followed by my mum with bring a chocolate cake with big candles written "14" 
3rd   :  You know what? The 13th person, and the 1st Boy that said happy birthday to me is my "Rain" kyaaaaaaaa, i was so happy, yeah even though just a short message, but it's really mean to me ;D
4th     :  I celebrated it at E+Poss with 2 of my friends in hometown at 5p.m., thenwe take a pray in a masjid quite near from there. After beribadah, kita pergi karaokean, dan kalian should know, kalo we ruin the property of the karaoke, hehe.-.
                               Mungkin cuma itu ceritaku aku gak tau mau nulis apa lagi .-.v ehiya, nih aku selipin foto-foto liburanku -->>

Saturday, June 01, 2013


             Hi guysssss....... how's life? hot right? :|
             Yooomaaaan, finally the Summer's began \m/
           Akhirnya dapet liburan juga setelah ujian dan camp kemarin, sekarang libur musim panas :D dapet libur 6 minggu, 3 hari nih._. Aku sendiri belum tau mau ngapain aja selama itu. Rencananya sih aku mau belajar masak, program ngaji sama papa, belajar gitar sama sepupu, nonton film, download film, ke pare, nonton drama korea {}, nonton refrain, belanja.
            Hari ini hari ke 1/45, tadi pagi udah ke pasar, terus beli pentol, tidur siang-sore, mandi sekali._. main internet, makan martabak holland :9 habis ini mau nonton film kali ya enaknya? Yaudah pergi dulu yaa, mau nonton :p
             Byeeeeeeeeeeeee \(^.^)/

Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Last Day

                WwooooooHhoooooo....... Hi fellas! How's life? Today's the happiest day in this week.
              Yeay! \m/ This's The Last Day. Finally the exam have finished. Couldn't be happier than that. After studying more than a week, struggling to get a 100 (*not really struggling), feeling tired, starving,  fasting and blablablaa........... Thanks God! And on the day after tomorrow, I'm going to have an OSIS Camp in Sarangan for 4 days. After that I'll take my school report._. (*nervous) What will be my score? At what rank position will i be? I wish in my school report there's no score under 85 Aminnnnnn and i hope i don't have many points in dormitory report (*since i've broken so many rules._.). And the most important day is ................. Summer Holiday that will be started from the 1st of June. maybe that's all that i  wanna share i've to packing my stuff. See yaaaa

All The Luck

     Besok hari terakhir ujian, doakan aku bisa ya kawan :)

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


      So, hi guys! It's been long time since my last post. Yeah, this week i've final exam. I'm so sooooo tired-_- And you have to know that my final exam's score for Indonesian language was very very bad (*under 7) I've been having lots of stress too :(
I need to refreshing my brain now, so i just wanna listen to one of my favorite song :)
Check it out ----->

With  every  appearance by you, blinding my eyes
I can hardly remember, the last time I felt like I do
You're an angel disguised

 And you're lying real still,
but your heart beat is fast just like mine
And the movie's long over,
that's three that have passed, one more's fine

Will you stay awake for me?
I don't wanna miss anything
I don't wanna miss anything
I will share the air i breathe,
I'll  give you my heart on  a string,
I just don't wanna miss anything

I'm trying real hard not to shake. I'm biting my tounge,
but I'm feeling alive and with every breathe that I take,
I feel like I've won. You're my key to survival

And if it's a hero you want,
I can save you. Just stay here.
Your whispers are priceless.
Your breathe, it is dear. So please stay near.


Say my name. I just want to hear you.
Say my name. So I know it's true.
You're changing me. You're   changing me.
You showed me HOW TO LIVE.
So just say. So just say.


Monday, May 20, 2013


       Capek banget nglakuin sesuatu buat orang lain, tapi kita nggak dihargain jasanya, malah temen kalian yang awalnya gak tau apa-apa yang selalu  dibilang makasih-_____- 
Nggak bisa ya kalian sedikit rasa terima kasih atau apa kek. Udahlah capek -.....-

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Cotton Candy

 Just read a novel entitled "Cotton Candy". That novel's one of the my favorite novel (lovestory). I've read 2 times and maybe i won't be bored to read it for the third time :) After read it, i search the photos of cotton candy. That's so cute, and I wanna eat it :" Here's the photos are :

while watching movie :3
for my background
Lollipop :q
sweet cotton

Cupcake <3


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Doing Nothing

                  Gak taulah aku mau nulis apa, hari ini menurutku abstrak seperti biasa, jadi nggak ada yang spesial. Oh ya, kayaknya semua sekolah SMP di Indonesia pada libur, coba sekolahku? kagak ada libur-_- nasib jadi angkatan pertama hiks..hiks.. Dan dikarenakan guru biologiku, sekaligus wali kelasku lagi pergi ke Georgia, nemenin kakak kelas lomba selama 2 minggu, jadilah pelajaran biologi yang 3 jam pelajaran di ganti sama Matematika. Alhasil dalam 2 minggu ini ada 9 jam pelajaran matematika per minggu-_- Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa mati aja deh gue :(

Sunday, April 21, 2013


          Nenennnerssssssssssssssss, last night i went to Kalimilk in Kaliurang street km.4. I went to there w/ ma classmate, we went there by our beloved transportation, we call it our "Ferrari". Ferrari is a bus that people usually use for go Jogja-Wates (LOL). We arrived 8p.m. and then we should wait, for another place to sit, bc there was full of visitor that wanted spent their night in there. At 8.30p.m. we got a place for sit.   I should confess that the place is really comfortable for the place to hang out with our friends.The waiter came to my table, and asked us. Then i order one medium ice kalimilk cookies for drink and kalimilk potato for eat. 15 minutes later my drink came, but my food hadn't.  During waiting for my food I drank my kalimilk cookies, it was very nice untill i didn't realize that i'd drunk all off my drink whereas my food still hadn't come. Finally 5 minutes later the Kalimilk Potatoes came, then i ate it without drank anything-_- The food also delicious, it was like big french fries that was given mayonaise and cheese at the top. And i just spent IDR23,500. but then one of my friend treat us, so i didn't have to pay hihihi :p. After it we took some pictures there, and then we got back to dorm at 10p.m. and went to sleep.
See you byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D

#P.S. : sorry for my bad english :(    . 

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Stand Up Comedy

Saturday, 13th of April  2013

Lama nggak nge-post :D, oke langsung saja
I wanna tell about my story
Last week, I watched Stand Up Comedy (SUC) @Graha Sabha in UGM, the guests were Pandji, Kemal Pahlevi, Fico, etc. There were also some lecturers  who were invited by SUC, to stand up in front of the audience and give some jokes. Nah, there’s a lecturer  that was so boring, no one laughed from the beginning until the end, because the jokes he gave aren’t funny enough. Feel sorry him :p . The ones that I was waiting for is Kemal Pahlevi. Kemal, he’s very cute at that night, he wore simple white t-shirt, blue jacket, a hat, a pair of red shoes (If I haven’t forgotten :p).  Yeah, his jokes were very  funny even Pandji’s more funny (LOL) but, arghhhhhh I like him much ;). The show was started from 8p.m. until 11.30p.m. After that I went home to  my friend’s house, by my friend’s cousin’s car. And then I opened ma twitter, and went to sleep. Can’t wait for the next show (SUC). That’s my entire story about last Saturday night. Bye, see you guys :D

Monday, April 08, 2013


                   Grow Older. Today is my bf's day. Her name is Zuhria Aulia Azizah. I'm not going to say happy birthday to her, bcause my teacher said that in Islam, we shouldn't say "Happy Birthday". So, im just going to say "Happy Grow Older, 14th". This's your day, go to mirror and look at yourself, "What have you done when you were 13th?", "Have you done anything usefull?" after it you'll reliaze, and fix all your problem. Just smile, be happy, don't be sad, be more religius, be stronger, be smarter, and "BE WHAT YOU WANNA BE". Wish Allah bless you, give you a longlife, a better life :) Don't even be an arrogant girl, just be a humble :D HOPE ALL YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE!

Saturday, March 16, 2013


           Sang Kota Pelajar sekarang dijatuhi gerimis rintik-rintik. Di malam yang bergerimis itu, ku duduk diatas tempat tidurku dekat dengan jendela kamar asrama. Ku tatap langit yang gelap gulita itu, langit hitam pekat yang tertutup awan berhujan itu. Tak ada lagi bintang Venus yang bersinar memukakauku, maupun senyuman sang Rembulan yang meneduhkan ataupun memantulkan sinar sang Surya, sumber terpenting yang ada di dunia ini. Sedang dimanakah kamu Mar? Ku sangat merindukanmu,rindu berbicara dengan dirimu. Rindu akan tingkah lakumu yang konyol, yang terkadang membuat aku tidak bisa bernafas, karena jantung yang terus menerus terpompa sangat cepat saat berada dekat di sampingmu. Kapan kita bisa berjumpa lagi? Apakah itu akan menjadi saat terakhir kita bisa bertemu? Masih ingatkah kau dengan 3 hari itu? Hari dimana kita mulai dekat setelah sekian lama kita bersama. Dan hari itu juga kau pergi tanpa memberikan salaman perpisahan. Aku masih ingat waktu itu, banyak hal yang kita lakukan bersama. Tak bisakah kita berjumpa lagi? Walaupun sekejap saja, tak bisakah itu? Tak rindukah kau Mar kepadaku? Ah sudahlah lupakan itu, kau sudah punya dia, yang selalu dengan mu. 
I'm just afraid, you're still HERS!!!

Friday, March 15, 2013


     Kota pelajar sedang diguyur hujan, pembawa partikel-partikel
air yang dingin. Kata orang, hujan adalah teman penghapus tangis.
Dengan hujan aku tidak perlu takut jika orang lain tau akan kese-
dihanku. Karena, dengan hujan air mataku dapat bercampur, 
melebur menjadi satu kesatuan kelompok partikel air jatuh ke tanah
bumi  pertiwi yang tercinta ini, tanpa ada seorangpun yang menyadari 
hal itu.

Thursday, March 14, 2013


idk, i've tried to study hard
But, i still got very bad scores
especially for the CHEMISTRY & PHYSICS
for chemistry i got 73.33and physics i got 56
i can't imagine my final report will be very bad
but, i hope my final report will be good at least 80? Aminnnnnnnnn........


Oh no! The Violin Club has started again!
gotta go now. Byee....