Sunday, April 21, 2013


          Nenennnerssssssssssssssss, last night i went to Kalimilk in Kaliurang street km.4. I went to there w/ ma classmate, we went there by our beloved transportation, we call it our "Ferrari". Ferrari is a bus that people usually use for go Jogja-Wates (LOL). We arrived 8p.m. and then we should wait, for another place to sit, bc there was full of visitor that wanted spent their night in there. At 8.30p.m. we got a place for sit.   I should confess that the place is really comfortable for the place to hang out with our friends.The waiter came to my table, and asked us. Then i order one medium ice kalimilk cookies for drink and kalimilk potato for eat. 15 minutes later my drink came, but my food hadn't.  During waiting for my food I drank my kalimilk cookies, it was very nice untill i didn't realize that i'd drunk all off my drink whereas my food still hadn't come. Finally 5 minutes later the Kalimilk Potatoes came, then i ate it without drank anything-_- The food also delicious, it was like big french fries that was given mayonaise and cheese at the top. And i just spent IDR23,500. but then one of my friend treat us, so i didn't have to pay hihihi :p. After it we took some pictures there, and then we got back to dorm at 10p.m. and went to sleep.
See you byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D

#P.S. : sorry for my bad english :(    . 

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