Saturday, April 20, 2013

Stand Up Comedy

Saturday, 13th of April  2013

Lama nggak nge-post :D, oke langsung saja
I wanna tell about my story
Last week, I watched Stand Up Comedy (SUC) @Graha Sabha in UGM, the guests were Pandji, Kemal Pahlevi, Fico, etc. There were also some lecturers  who were invited by SUC, to stand up in front of the audience and give some jokes. Nah, there’s a lecturer  that was so boring, no one laughed from the beginning until the end, because the jokes he gave aren’t funny enough. Feel sorry him :p . The ones that I was waiting for is Kemal Pahlevi. Kemal, he’s very cute at that night, he wore simple white t-shirt, blue jacket, a hat, a pair of red shoes (If I haven’t forgotten :p).  Yeah, his jokes were very  funny even Pandji’s more funny (LOL) but, arghhhhhh I like him much ;). The show was started from 8p.m. until 11.30p.m. After that I went home to  my friend’s house, by my friend’s cousin’s car. And then I opened ma twitter, and went to sleep. Can’t wait for the next show (SUC). That’s my entire story about last Saturday night. Bye, see you guys :D

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