Monday, April 08, 2013


                   Grow Older. Today is my bf's day. Her name is Zuhria Aulia Azizah. I'm not going to say happy birthday to her, bcause my teacher said that in Islam, we shouldn't say "Happy Birthday". So, im just going to say "Happy Grow Older, 14th". This's your day, go to mirror and look at yourself, "What have you done when you were 13th?", "Have you done anything usefull?" after it you'll reliaze, and fix all your problem. Just smile, be happy, don't be sad, be more religius, be stronger, be smarter, and "BE WHAT YOU WANNA BE". Wish Allah bless you, give you a longlife, a better life :) Don't even be an arrogant girl, just be a humble :D HOPE ALL YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE!

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